
Frequently Asked Questions

Road from above

Ordering Queries

The Envirocheck website provides a secure online ordering service. Registration to use this service is free of charge, and we will provide you with a username and password to access an online account, which can be used to order any of our products or services and to manage your data. Please visit our home page to register.

Once you have set up an Envirocheck account, all prices are available to view online. Simply log on, select the ‘new order tab’, draw your site boundary, and then choose the data or report you are interested in. Prices will be provided which can then be saved as a quote.

The Envirocheck website allows you to search for a site based on a national grid reference, postcode, or place name. The website can also accept SHP files for accurate georeferencing. You can then define your site using either: The Linear Tool for routes such as road, railways, or pipelines; the Polygon Tool for site boundaries; or the Point Tool for placing a point at the centre of your site. Alternatively, if you have an SHP file containing your site boundary, this can be uploaded directly onto the website to create the site boundary.

The Envirocheck Professional is delivered instantly. Data and reports which need to be requested from a third party will take longer to be delivered. These include EA LIDAR data, Utilities reports, Coal Authority and Cranfield Soil reports. For specific delivery times, please refer to the product or data you are interested in.

There are two possible reasons for this. Firstly the link may have split over two lines of the email in transit, which causes an error. To fix this please copy and paste the whole of the link into the address bar of a new internet browser tab and this will allow you to download the report. The second reason is that the link may have expired. The link to your order is active for 4 weeks and during this time we advise you to download and save the data to your device.

This can be done using the order extra data function. If you log onto your Envirocheck account, click on the ‘order tracking’ tab, enter the 8-digit order number and click search, this will display the details of your original order. You can then click on the ‘order tracking’ tab and tick any products you require, being sure to untick any pre-selected products you do not require.

In the first instance, email or call customer service on 0330 036 6618 / [email protected]. They may have to raise the data query with our data team who may take up to 48 hours or more to respond, this is dependent on the query.

Please feel free to contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618 who will be happy to help and can also put you in contact with your dedicated Account Manager here at Landmark.

Both the username and password are case-sensitive. If you get an error message when logging on or have forgotten your username or password, please contact the Customer Services Team by email at [email protected].

The website works best with Google Chrome. Please try using Google Chrome to access the Envirocheck website. If you are still having difficulty logging into the site, please contact the customer services team on 0330 036 6618.

Please feel free to contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618 who will be happy to help and can also put you in contact with your dedicated Account Manager here at Landmark.

Envirocheck Order Support

There is no size limit for purchasing Envirocheck data. However, for areas larger than 10km, the report will be spread out on multiple PDFs to cover the whole site. For a very large area such as a county boundary, you may wish to discuss bespoke options with the Customer Services Team or your Account Manager.

The Envirocheck Report starts to generate instantly so our customers receive data within the shortest possible timeframe. This means it cannot be cancelled once the submit button has been pressed. For other reports ordered from Envirocheck, please contact the customer services team as soon as possible on 0330 036 6618 to discuss available options.

Each Envirocheck Report is unique at the time it is ordered. Unfortunately, the only way to make any amendment to an existing report is to order it again. We are happy to discuss your circumstances and reasons for requiring the change, so please contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618.

There are two possible reasons for this. Firstly, the link may have split over two lines of the email in transit which causes an error. To fix this, if you copy and paste the whole of the link into the address bar of a new Google Chrome tab, this will allow you to download the report. Second, the link may have expired. The link is active for 4 weeks and during this time we advise you to download and save the data to your PC. If you have a PMCL you can still download this from Envirocheck Analysis.

If your report is less than one year old, you may be able to download it from Envirocheck Analysis. If the report is older than a year, please contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618 who would be able to assist you in renewing the order as it is out of date.

Your site crosses a boundary between two radon affected areas and therefore two results have been generated. If you need more information about this boundary and the radon data in your report, please email the Customer Services Team at [email protected].

Envirocheck Analysis Order Support

The Envirocheck Analysis tool is now available for sites up to 100 hectares in size.

Envirocheck Analysis provides a quick and easy way to overlay historical maps and historical aerial photographs with current maps and current aerial photographs. For an online demonstration of how to use the service, please click here for Envirocheck Analysis demo. Alternatively, an Account Manager will happily provide an Envirocheck Analysis demonstration. To arrange this please contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618.

Bomb Search Support

Landmark works in collaboration with 6 Alpha to produce two reports: A Preliminary UXO Risk Assessment and a Detailed UXO Risk Assessment.

Bomb Search is a risk assessment to help you determine the probability of unexploded ordnance on your site. Bomb Search analyses over 40 different datasets from a nationwide geospatial database of UXO threats.

The Preliminary UXO Risk Assessment takes 2 working days to produce and the Detailed UXO Risk Assessment takes 7 working days to produce. They are delivered in electronic format. I have drawn my site on the website, but no price is shown for Bomb Search. For sites over 10 hectares in size, we provide a Price on Application (POA). To receive a quote, you still need to submit your order online. This does not create a charge on your account and does not commit you to buying the report. It simply generates a request for a quotation to us. We aim to supply the quote within 4 hours.

Please feel free to contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618 who will happily raise any specific queries for you with 6 Alpha.

Utilities Report Support

The Utilities Report provides underground service information relevant to your site, including gas and oil pipelines, electricity cables, telecommunication wires, mains water supplies, sewerage, and fibre-optic cables. If your site is in London, the report will also include London Underground service information if relevant. Note that your exact site boundaries will be searched for Utilities information and not a wider buffered area.

Once you are logged into your account, select the ‘new order tab’, draw your site boundary, and then choose the Utilities Report service you require.

Once you have set up an Envirocheck account, all prices are available to view online. Simply log on, select the new order tab, draw your site boundary, and then choose the Utilities Report service you require. Prices will be provided, and you can then save this as a quote.

This will depend on the service which has been ordered. There are three levels of service available for Utilities Reports: Standard Service: 20 working days Premium Service: 10 working days Express Service: 5 working days When calculating the delivery date of the report, please note that these are working days and not calendar days.

The ‘Dispatched’ status for Utilities Reports simply means that the order request has been dispatched to our supplier. It does not mean your report is available.

We endeavour to obtain as much of the information as possible within the production timescale of your report. Unfortunately, there are occasions when the response times of the Utility companies mean that it is not possible to obtain 100% of your information within the chosen timescale. In these scenarios, we email you all the information that is available in the first batch and as soon as we receive any of the remaining information, this will be emailed to you in subsequent batches until all the data has been received.

This may be possible depending on how soon you request the upgrade. Any upgrade would incur an additional charge. If you think you need to upgrade your order, please contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618 to discuss the options.

If you contact us within 30 minutes of placing the order, it may be possible for us to cancel your order with our supplier. However, this cannot be guaranteed, particularly with the Express Service (5 working days). It is best to contact the Customer Services Team on 0330 036 6618 as soon as you think you may need to cancel any report.

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Designed to effectively support your environmental site assessment, you can have complete confidence that you will be provided with the exact information you require for a successful project.

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Receive a fast, flexible and efficient online service to cater to all your digital mapping and data needs with our Envirocheck Export service, delivered straight to your inbox in a range of formats for use in your own GIS and CAD systems.

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You can order all your mapping and data in one go with Envirocheck. Get in touch today to discuss how we can support your project from start to finish. It doesn’t matter what size your site is – we can supply it.

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